Discover our products

The natural solution for your animal's health.

A healthy future begins with healthy animals

With our innovative and natural products, we strive to support your animals' health, improve their performance and protect them from potential infections. Our products are extremely carefully formulated to provide the best solution for your animals. Attention to people, animals and nature is our first priority.

Minimal impact on the environment

This is what we strive for every day.
That's why we use only natural ingredients.

What our customers say

We are committed to providing you and your animals with the best service.

"During a trial with BiaStim L in summer, the temperature inside the stables raised to 38°C and more. I clearly saw that the animals in the treatment group supported better the negative impact of these high temperatures and recovered faster from the heat stress compared to animals in the control group. In the BiaStim L treatment group the mortality was only 1% where in the control group the mortality was 6%."


Pig farm, Germany

"BiaStim L is user-friendly and easy to administer. I had the impression that the sows were also more vital. I noticed that the sows in the treated group had an easier farrowing process and needed almost no assistance. This vitality in the sows led to a significant reduction in mortality in the farrowing pen. I would like to continue using the product because of its positive effects in farrowing and its ease of use."


Pig farm, Belgium

"Because of the pressure on the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, I am always looking for alternative natural products. Vital sows are essential for reducing piglet mortality in the farrowing pen. BiaStim L stimulates feed intake in the sow. In the group of sows receiving BiaStim L, we observed that the sows had fuller udders indicating improved colostrum and milk production. This was also confirmed by a higher number of weaned piglets per sow. I can definitely recommend the product to my customers for reducing complications during farrowing and the suckling period."


Pig farm, Belgium

"Calves stay healthier when good gastrointestinal motility is present. This is why we add BiaCur L to the milk replacer on a regular basis.
Each time we determine that the calves are suffering from digestive problems we administer BiaCur L for 7 days. After 2 to 3 days we see the results in the calves in the stool that has returned to a normal consistency and color.
BiaCur L stimulates appetite which helps to keep the calves in good and healthy condition."


Calf farm, Belgium

"When we tested BiaStim P in our broiler chickens, we noticed that the product supported better feed intake. There was better uniformity, less pododermatitis, less wet litter and higher viability in the treated animals. Moreover, we used no antibiotics in the BiaStim P group throughout the trial. Normally we are forced to use antibiotics because of health and wet litter problems."


Poultry farm, Thailand

"I am a veterinarian and owner of Icelandic horses. I tested BiaCur S and also did a blood analysis to see what the effect was. I was pleasantly surprised by the good results. The liver levels AST and Y-GT of all my horses dropped below the threshold value. I will continue to use the product and also recommend it for a detox and good recovery of liver function."


Horse owner, Belgium

Want to know more?

Please contact us for more information about our products. We will be happy to assist you!

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