BiaCur L

Liquid dietary supplement for optimal liver function.

BiaCur L

Developed for optimal liver function

The liver performs numerous functions including storage of minerals, glycogen and fats, metabolization and activation of vitamins. The liver contributes to digestion through the synthesis of bile acids and their enterohepatic circulation and removes waste products from the blood, detoxifies and eliminates both endogenous and exogenous toxins from the body.

The specific composition of BiaCur L ensures optimal support of liver function.

Main properties:

Activates bile secretion and stimulates digestion

Supports liver function in animals with "fat cow syndrome"

Promotes recovery after conditions such as ketosis and milk fever

Promotes elimination of wastes and toxins

Epacur, a liquid dietary supplement for optimal liver function.

BiaCur L is the natural pathway to optimal liver function.

Close-up of a wheat field.


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