
About us

Biagral uses phytotherapy to help animals stay healthy and perform better. In doing so, we pay attention to the environment and general animal welfare.

At Biagral, we believe in the power of nature.
The Biagral board together at the table.


Biagral was created in 1998 through the collaboration of an agricultural engineer, a director of an agronomic technology center and an experience expert in the phytogenic industry. Their vision was to develop various plant-based formulas with health benefits for both companion and farm animals.

Over the years, Biagral has made great progress and evolved into an industrial enterprise. Due to good results and growing demand, we moved to Villers-le-Bouillet in 2011. The new site allows us to develop our business more strongly. Since 2016, Biagral has been part of the Kela group.

focusing on sustainability
& animal welfare
+25 years
experience, research
& development
The sustainable way

Better for humans and animals

Biagral is a company specialized in developing 100% natural products. We work with plants and herbs that not only ensure good health but also help to improve natural resistance. Plants contain certain phytonutrients that, when absorbed by the animal, have beneficial effects on the animal's physiology and metabolism.

Biagral's goal is to create products that not only support natural defenses but can also promote rehabilitation after illness or recovery after competitions. The plants incorporated in our products were carefully selected based on their properties to be able to improve both the health and productivity of animals.

Biagral works with production and extraction processes of consistently high quality. These make it possible to extract phytonutrients in a 100% natural way. Production is based on cold or hot extraction, each time under a specific pH that allows the phytonutrients to infuse into the solvent.

Our extraction and production methods are carefully monitored and controlled through HACCP. Biagral is also FCA (Feed Chain Alliance) certified, which guarantees the safety and quality of the raw material, the production process and the final product.
Certain products in our range are also certified by Certysis. This means that they may be used in organic agriculture.

A top view of rows of plants.

Working together for the best results

Meet our team

Christian Carlier
Wouter Germis
Veterinarian - Technical support
Jean-François Deneumostier
Nelly Van Eeghem
Pharmacist - Quality
Frank Vermeiren
Veterinarian - Technical support
Bieke Van Rooy

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