Target Animals

Biagral operates in several sectors.


The swine industry has evolved significantly in recent years. The pressure to reduce antibiotic consumption has increased, causing the sector to look for alternative solutions. Our high-quality phytogenic products are perfectly suited to this. They contribute to reduced antibiotic use and improved animal welfare.


Dairy and beef cattle farming is a highly developed industry worldwide. Not only cows, but also sheep and goats are important animal species in animal husbandry. Within this sector, there is also an increasing trend toward sustainability and animal welfare. The Biagral range for ruminants helps livestock farmers keep animals healthy in a 100% natural way.


Poultry is one of the largest sources of animal protein worldwide and the sector is still expanding. Biagral's products offer great added value and help to improve production results naturally.  


Optimal health and good horse performance depend on several factors. Thus, a good, healthy and balanced diet can help make the difference. Our phytogenic dietary supplements provide excellent results in horses.

A pig eating in a field.Black and white cows grazing.Two chickens on the grass.A brown horse.

Plant-based, natural, pure.

Improve the health and performance of your animals today.
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