Our mission

Natural solutions for animal health

A natural approach to your animals' health

We use phytotherapy to help animals stay healthy and perform better. Our products offer many benefits for both utility and companion animals due to their specific composition based on plants and herbs.

The commercial aspect

Like the agri-entrepreneur, we consider sustainability, health and animal welfare, as well as the economic aspect. We always look for the best solution for the customer together with our commercial and technical support team.

We are ready for you

We are there for distribution partners, veterinarians and end users in Europe, Mexico, Asia and North Africa. Our ambition is to tap new markets in other countries as well.

A natural approach to your animals' health

We use phytotherapy to help animals stay healthy and perform better. Our products offer many benefits for both utility and companion animals due to their specific composition based on plants and herbs.

The commercial aspect

Like the agri-entrepreneur, we consider sustainability, health and animal welfare, as well as the economic aspect. We always look for the best solution for the customer together with our commercial and technical support team.

We are ready for you

We are there for distribution partners, veterinarians and end users in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Our ambition is to tap new markets in other countries as well.

A natural approach to your animals' health

We use phytotherapy to help animals stay healthy and perform better. Our products offer many benefits for both utility and companion animals due to their specific composition based on plants and herbs.

The commercial aspect

Like the agri-entrepreneur, we consider sustainability, health and animal welfare, as well as the economic aspect. We always look for the best solution for the customer together with our commercial and technical support team.

We are ready for you

We are there for distribution partners, veterinarians and end users in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Our ambition is to tap new markets in other countries as well.

We guarantee the quality

Biagral is Feed Chain Alliance certified. We also produce Certisys certified nutritional supplements for organic farming.

A chicken with its chicks on the grass.

Always one step ahead

We have a specialized production area in Villers-le-Bouillet where our products are manufactured in a very precise way. There has been more than 25 years of research and development on our counter which enables us to deliver high-quality products. The suppliers of our raw materials are also thoroughly evaluated and controlled and we regularly conduct field tests in the various sectors with excellent results.

Environmental impact

Quality and certificates from Biagral

Our guarantee of the best nutritional supplements

A farmer checking his crops.

Transparency in our entire production process

Biagral is AFSCA licensed and follows the rules of the FCA Food Chain Alliance. To guarantee optimal quality, Biagral buys its plants from companies that also follow FCA rules or equivalent rules such as GMP+ and FAMI-QS. These supply companies also perform analyses on the plants to ensure quality and food safety.

Optimal quality guarantee

Our products meet the highest quality standards. We attach great importance to transparent and safe production. Read here what steps Biagral takes to ensure optimal quality.

The Biagral range also includes products suitable for use in organic farming.

  • Suppliers' quality system is regularly audited. Their certification is published on AFSCA and European Union websites.

  • We work only with approved suppliers.

  • The plants are strictly checked upon arrival, the origin and lot number are noted, and a sample is always kept.

  • Biagral requires an accredited laboratory to perform analyses on plants and check for heavy metals, pesticides, PAH, salmonella,...

  • Water quality is also regularly examined by an independent accredited laboratory.

  • Our formulas are prepared by an expert in phytotherapy.

  • During the manufacturing process, procedures are followed and IPC (in process controls) are performed to control each CCP (critical control point). Measuring equipment is calibrated at all times.

  • A change control procedure must be followed for changes.

  • The tanks are thoroughly cleaned after each production run.

End products
  • The finished products are also analyzed according to the requirements set forth in a HACCP (Hazard Analysis - Critical Control Point) document.

  • La traçabilité est assurée et une procédure de gestion des non-conformités et des rappels est en place.

  • We have the quality of our end products tested for animal proteins. We also check the absence of Salmonella, enterobacteria, pesticides, PAH, heavy metals.

  • The staff has years of experience in the dietary supplement industry.

  • Each year, staff conducts an internal audit to verify that proper procedures are being followed. The observations made are followed by corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) aimed at continuous improvement.

  • Staff is kept informed of legislative changes.

  • Staff must respect the company's good hygiene practices.

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