A field with rows of green plants.

Natural ingredients

Biagral works only with plants and herbs coming from certified suppliers. Moreover, meticulous internal quality analyses still take place before they are allowed into production.

Some of the plants we use

with their special features

Red sunflower - Echinacea purpurea
Echinacea purpurea

Red sunflower
Belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its phytogenic action is said to be based on improving the innate immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells. The main action of Echinacea purpurea is to stimulate the body's own natural defenses against bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. Recent research by the University of Antwerp has demonstrated the possible protective effect of Echinacea purpurea against viral respiratory infections.

Greek alant - Inula helenium
Inula helenium

Greek alant
Belongs to the genus Inula of the family Asteraceae. This mysterious plant has been known since ancient times as an edible and medicinal plant. It is a mysterious plant notable for its medicinal properties and antimicrobial activity. Inula cleanses toxins from the body, stimulates the immune system and digestion. Due to its bitter substance, the plant stimulates appetite.

Peppermint - Mentha x piperita
Mentha x piperita

Is a hybrid of spearmint and water mint. Belongs to the Laminaceae family. Peppermint contains more than 30% menthol and up to 0.2% carvone. The plant's secondary metabolites contain alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, tannins and phenols. The plant has strong antimicrobial activity against a range of pathogenic bacteria. Peppermint can help relieve digestive symptoms and nausea. It also offers some pain relief.

Olive - Olea europaea
Olea europaea

Belongs to the family Oleaceae. Olive leaf can be considered a potentially effective antimicrobial agent for the treatment of intestinal or respiratory tract infections. The constituent commonly associated with the antimicrobial properties of olive leaf is oleuropein. Oleuropein has also been reported to directly stimulate macrophage activation in laboratory studies. Other properties of olive leaf extract include antiviral activity, reportedly caused by the component calcium selenolate, a derivative of elenolic acid. Furthermore, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects are described in several scientific publications.

Laboratory studies have also shown that oleuropein directly stimulates the activation of macrophages, important cells in the immune system.
Other properties of olive leaf extract include antiviral activity, attributed to the calcium selenolate component, a derivative of elenolic acid. In addition, several scientific publications describe the immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects of this extract.

Tormentil - Potentilla erecta
Potentilla erecta

Belongs to the Rosaceae family. Plants contain abundant secondary metabolites, especially various types of phenolic compounds and terpenoids. Polyphenols of Potentilla are attracting increasing attention because of their powerful antioxidant properties and their noticeable effects in the prevention of various oxidative stress-related diseases. All parts of tormentil contain more tannin than oak bark and are strongly astringent. This plant is considered one of the safest native astringents and is widely used in herbal medicine to treat diarrhea, dysentery and irritable bowel syndrome.

Small-leaved lime or winter lime - Tilia cordata
Tilia cordata

Small-leaved linden or winter linden
Belongs to the Malvaceae family. Parts of the tree contain polyphenols and flavonoids, which stimulate bile secretion. Chlorogenic acid and caffeoylquinic acids, along with bitter elements, help improve digestion. Vanillin helps relieve the tension of the sphincter of Oddi, relieving pressure from the bile ducts. The mucilages from the inner bark have a soothing effect on the intestinal lumen.

Stinging nettle - Urtica dioica
Urtica dioica

Stinging nettle
Belongs to the family Urticaceae. Stinging nettle has been one of the most important plants in the European pharmacopoeia since ancient times. Flavonoids, tanins, scopoletin, fatty acids, polysaccharides, isolectins and sterols are all phytochemicals of this plant. The leaf extract of Urtica dioica is reported to improve glucose homeostasis in vivo and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Several pharmaceutical studies have shown antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of the nettle.

The king candle - Verbascum thapsus
Verbascum thapsus

The king candle
Belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family. The constituents of Verbascum thapsus include polysaccharides, iridoid glycosides, flavonoids, saponins and volatile oils. The mucilaginous constituents are mainly responsible for the soothing action on mucous membranes, and the saponins may be responsible for the expectorant action of Verbascum thapsus. The plant is said to be mildly diuretic, have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract, and act as a mild sedative. Scientific research also describes the anthelmintic and antispasmodic value of Verbascum thapsus.

Sourberry - Berberis vulgaris
Berberis vulgaris

Phytochemical studies of various Berberis species have led to the isolation of alkaloids, tannins, phenolic compounds, sterols and triterpenes. Berberis vulgaris and its main constituent berberine have long been used in traditional medicine. According to several studies, Berberis vulgaris and berberine showed anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial effects in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Interestingly, the protective effects of these compounds in various organs such as brain, liver, kidney, heart and lungs have been reported in many studies.

Common goldenrod - Solidago virgaurea
Solidago virgaurea

Common goldenrod
Belongs to the Ateraceae family. It is a well-known and widely used medicinal plant in Europe and other parts of the world and one of the most researched species of its genus. The main chemical constituents are flavonoids (especially quercetin and kaempferol), C6-C1 and C6-C3 compounds, terpenes (especially from the essential oil) and a large number of saponin molecules. Published data on its potential actions include: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, diuretic and antibacterial.

Turmeric - Curcuma

Belongs to the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family. The active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin (diferuloylmethane) and possesses multiple therapeutic properties. In recent years, several in-depth studies (in vitro and in vivo tests) and clinical trials have demonstrated its very valuable anti-inflammatory activity and antioxidant properties. At the molecular level, curcumin has been found to inhibit cell proliferation, metastasis formation and apoptosis. Currently, much attention has been paid to curcumin as a blocker of TNF, a key mediator of inflammatory processes. In 2019, the European Medicines Agency concluded that turmeric herbal teas, or other forms taken orally, can be used to relieve mild digestive problems, such as fullness and flatulence, based on their longstanding traditional use.

Boldo - Peumus boldus
Peumus boldus 

Is a species of tree in the family Monimiaceae and the only species in the genus Peumus. The leaves contain alkaloids and essential oils. The antioxidant activity of the extract of Peumus boldus can be attributed to its polyphenolic compounds. The extract of Peumus boldo has antioxidant properties and contributes to the protective effect against liver diseases associated with oxidative stress and free iron. Research has verified the various indigenous uses of boldo leaves: they have been shown in animal studies to stimulate digestion and have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, bile production stimulating and diuretic properties largely attributed to the plant chemical boldin.


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